The Aeroquip Starlite hoses and forged fittings, supplied by Baller Bolts went on without a problem. Note about BB, the owner is member RyanRacer of the DMF, and is very helpful to deal with. If you are going to do this job, its as easy as getting the appropriate size fittings (AN-6) and a length of hose, cutting it to size and putting it on.
The starter wire and oil cooler hoses have both been rerouted along the alternator side of the bike, so there is little visual obstruction and easy access to the horizontal belt and cover.
Here's the hoses tucked up against the frame and out of the way:
Notice the DP/DPM Cam End Cover. And the "now cleaner" looking side:
Shown are the DP/DPM billet valve inspection covers, Rizoma Oil Cooler Protector and Aeroquip hoses. Its also quite evidence from the clean appearance of the new billet that my horizontal cylinder head has cooked on some serious dirt over the years. Perhaps next season I'll finally pull the heads, have them painted black, and one of the performance cam sets will go in:
Shown, left to right, are sets of VeeTwo Torque Grind Cams (V2-210) and Race Grind Cams (V2-212). The Monster already has a set of adjustible VeeTwo cam pulleys, the silver pictured pulleys are a set for the 900SS or M900 trackbike that I have yet to obtain!