Things have been going well in the rebuild progress. The Vee-Two pulleys will wait for installation until the riding season has come to an end as it requires pulling the alternator side cover off to properly adjust them (otherwise, why have adjustable pulleys?) This will allow me to have the alternator side shipped off to be coated by Performance Coatings for a nice satin silver to match the heads/swingarm/suspension arc etc. While the motor is slightly opened up, the clutch side cover will likely be sent to DesmoTimes for Corse-style slotting, enabling the spinning basket to be visible as well as extra heat rejection.

The only other remaining piece from this past winter's (2006) planning is the Red Racing Bellypan. It is due back from paint (at Speedzone Paint & Bodyworks) by the end of next week and will be installed shortly after. Things like DynaCoils, FCR's, Ohlins Shock and RaceTech springs have been put on hold while I work on getting gear together for trackdays and a track duty bike. Current pictures are of the bike from June 18th, 2007.