EVERY GREAT PROJECT first begins with an idea. In my case, the idea was how do I repair this bike after a crash...My Monster 900 and I had a lack of traction experience traveling east of Memphis on a back road that resulted in a nasty tank dent, mangled handlebars, bent exhaust, scratches on both the headlight and seat cowl, and the destruction of my front brake master cylinder.
Needless to say, highsides suck.
This blog's purpose is to serve as an update of the rebuild process and what is going on the bike. This will include unbiased product and vendor reviews along the way. The primary companies I have chosen to deal with are shown below:
- Corse Motorsports - Nashville based local Ducati shop run by two great guys, Alain Ledgerwood & Andy York.
- Speedzone Paint & Bodyworks - Brad Diez defines great customer service, he will be responsible for the tank repair and painting. Located in California.
- MotoWheels - Also based in California, Motowheels has a phenomenal website with great inventory and some of the best pricing. The majority of replacement parts will come from them.
- Fast By Ferracci - Northeastern U.S. based company with racing heritage. Mixed reviews from several friends but the parts offered make them worth a shot.
- The DML - The Ducati Monster List: An invaluable resource for information, advice, and instructions.
Pre-Crash Ducati: